Oscar Agudelo was born in Medellín, Colombia in 1985. He's a graduate from the Benedictine College (2004), and an Industrial Designer from the Pontifical Bolivarian University (2012). He's currently a student of traditional medicine.
Art is a form of expression that Oscar has used to transcend frontiers beyond the Atlantic Ocean. His metaphoric serpentine lines with an air of magical realism seducing along the way as the manifestation of the sensible humanism, social focus and community influence that he embodies.
Oscar is a revolutionary of the arts. His multicoloured brush tracing infinite lines that impregnate cerulean canvas with a manierist tint. He's multifaceted due to his design profession, which has led him to give life to animism through figures of alternate materials such as: polymers, coca tree wood, minerals, cultivated pearls, chess games made of coca tree wood, multiform luminaires, and arbitrary graphic works which, seen from their own artistic firmament, sparkle in a charming, polychrome world.
In the sun of his tenderness, master Oscar marvels us with a rarefied sky that frolics between exaltedness or magnificence, of radiant stars, with little fleeting evanescent stars integrating into a multiastral infinity.
In the art of the future, his relevant figure is called to flourish with subtlety and eminence —his imagination timeless and modernised, and emerging from this amalgamation, a bright, vivifying thought. His contemporary numen continues its walk through history, his tenderness able to walk paths of glory and bathe canvases with exquisite sweetness.
Oscar Agudelo, nació en Medellín- Colombia en 1985, graduado del colegio Benedictino de Santa María 2004, diseñador industrial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 2012.
Estudiante de medicina tradicional.
Arte es una expresión con la cual Oscar ha trascendido fronteras, allende del océano atlántico, su curvilínea metafórica con aire de realismo mágico, seduce porque con ella manifiesta la sensibilidad que transmite humanismo, enfoque social e influencia comunitaria.
Oscar es un revolucionario del arte, su pincel multicolor traza líneas infinitas que se impregnan en lienzos cerúleos con tinte manierista, es multifacético ya que su profesión de diseñador lo ha llevado a darle vida al animismo, observado a través de figuras en materiales alternos, tales como:
polímeros, madera del árbol de coca, minerales, perlas cultivadas, juego de ajedrez en madera del árbol de coca, luminarias multiformes, obras gráficas arbitrarias, que vistas desde su firmamento artístico, rutilan en un mundo policrómico y encantador.
En el sol de su ternura, el maestro Oscar, nos maravilla con un cielo enrarecido, que retoza entre excelsitud o magnificación, de fulgentes luceros, con estrellitas fugaces evanescentes, integrándose en un infinito multiastral.
En el arte del futuro, su relevante figura esta llamada a florecer con sutileza y prestancia, dado que su imaginación es atemporal y renovada, emergiendo entre esa amalgama, un pensamiento vivificante. Su numen contemporáneo va caminando por la historia, bañando con su ternura, lienzos de fina dulzura y senderos de la gloria.