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LAND ART takes characteristics of nature to create works of art interacting with the environment and the observer.

Starting from the principle of LAND ART, elements of nature are taken to create portable works that complement the spaces we inhabit, in addition they transmit a message of the earth, movement, how everything maná in life and how if we let it flow, it continues its natural course.

Its purpose is to produce creative emotions in the observer

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The eco-habs is built from a metal structure that acts as support system. The project grows in an aleatory way through the repetition of module that creates a flexible and interactive space for the community. The module itself is a flexible unit, as its composed of recycled high-density plastic. The grouping of the module creates an interactive space between lights and shadows.




When the eco-hab is not in use anymore it can be converted into an urban garden, thus creating new green spaces for the community. The porosity and adaptation of the module facilitates the possibility for sowing and growth aromatics, ferns and creeper plants. Reusing and recycling the project in this manner brings it to a new level.




Plastika (Eco-rooms)2016
recycled plastic with 3D printing technology

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