LAND ART toma características de la naturaleza para crear obras de arte interactuando con el entorno y el observador.
Partiendo del principio de LAND ART, se toman elementos de la naturaleza para crear obras portables que complementan los espacios que habitamos, además transmiten un mensaje de la tierra, el movimiento, cómo todo maná en la vida y como si lo dejamos fluir continúa su curso natural.
Su finalidad es producir emociones creativas en el observador
The eco-habs is constructed from a metal structure that acts as support system. The project grows in an aleatory way through the repetiton of module that creates a flexible and interactive space for the community. The module itself is a flexible unit, as its composed of recycled high-density plastic. The grouping of the module creates an interactive space betweem lights and shadows.
When the eco-hab is not in use anymore it can be converted into an urban garden, thus creating new green spaces for the community. The porosity and adaptation of the module facilitates the possibility for sowing and growth aromatics, ferns and creeper plants. Reusing and recycling the project in this manner brings it to a new level.
Plastika (Eco-habs) 2016
plástica riciclata con tecnología di stampa 3D